Hello my darling client! You’re probably here because I’ve completed your lookbook + now it’s time to shop! Shopping my links properly is very important. It ensures that 1. you purchase the correct items/quantities + 2. I am compensated for my design services.
Shopping your lookbook is done in three simple steps. Please read the following instructions carefully:
Shopping my links works best on the big screen. Don’t use your iPhone or iPad. There are lots of items to keep track of + the mobile version is much less user-friendly.
Open up your lookbook + exit all other tabs + windows. The only two tabs that should be open are 1. your lookbook + 2. this guide to refer to while shopping.
Scroll through your lookbook + make sure everything you’d like to purchase is pictured. If there are items you’d like to change or add, alert me before purchasing anything so I can update the links.
Why is this super important? If you change your mind on your counter stools + decide to shop around + order them yourself, 1. I won’t be able to help you find the best possible alternative: correct sizing/coloring/pricing/etc. + 2. I completely lose the opportunity to earn commission on the sale.
If there are items in your lookbook that we hadn’t previously discussed [additional lighting fixtures, decor items], no worries! These are simply suggestions + I won’t be offended if you don’t purchase them.
Grab a coffee, get comfortable + get clicking! Please place all orders in one sitting. Why?
1. There’s a much higher chance you won’t forget anything.
2. If there are multiple items from the same shop, you may qualify for free shipping.
3. You’ll shop my links correctly. Important: please review my DO-NOTs below.
Start at the top of your lookbook + work your way down:
1. Click the item link.
2. Make sure the item information matches the item title in your lookbook [size, finish, quantity].
3. Add to cart.
4. Check out.
By shopping my links correctly, you are supporting my business + my passion! When you are done shopping, please shoot me an email with your order date. It takes 12-24 hours from when you place the orders for the completed sales to show up on my end. I had so much fun putting this look together for you + I can’t wait to see everything come together! Happy shopping!